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Search the directory for a company with complimentary services and send them a promotion request
Once the request is accepted, you'll start promoting each other on a page like this each time you or your Promotion Partner gets a new subscriber.
Swap out low performing Promotion Partners after 30 days if they aren't a good fit.
Keep track of how effective your Promotion Partners are on the analytics dashboards.
Repeat this Process with up to 50 Promotion Partners & Exponentially Expand your Products Reach!
A Platform to Supercharge Your Subscriber Growth
77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product if its been recommended to them.
Word of mouth generates 2x more sales than paid advertizing
91% of B2B buyers base their purchases on referrals
Picture this: You team up with 25 complimentary SaaS businesses through B2Bhive and each of them promote your product to 5 new users every day.
That's 45,000 potential customer impressions per year
​Now, let's be conservative and assume a conversion rate of just 2%...
That’s 900 new subscribers per year.
Free for the first 200 pre launch users
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